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I specialise in helping you get back on track!

I have always had a love of food not least because my mother was a Domestic Science teacher, there had never been any question all our meals were cooked from scratch and we were taught to do this too from a very early age.

But it was only when I started training as a Nutritional Therapist that I found out just how powerful your diet and lifestyle is.

With all that I have learnt,  I have changed my own diet and lifestyle considerably.  I have a sweet tooth and my sugar consumption was through the roof!  I feel so much better since I've made these changes, my sleep has improved, I've lost a bit of weight, my energy levels are constant throughout the day, I no longer have brain fog and I don't think I forget things quite so much (though my family would probably say differently!!).

I love helping women who have been overwhelmed in Menopause and  Thyroid and struggling with Weight-loss, helping them get back their zest for life.

Let me help you take control of your own health so that you can feel great every single day.


Book your free 15 minute phone or zoom consultation to discuss your health goals and to find out how I can help you.

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